Legal services & specialization
Thanks to the expertise and narrower specialization of its members, the Benešová Beránek Blaha Law Office is ready to provide high-quality legal services in a wide range of fields of law, both Czech, European and international. Thanks to the experience of most members of the office team, the office was also able to establish cooperation with some foreign offices and is thus ready to provide legal advice regarding numerous institutes of foreign legal systems. The members of the office speak Czech, English, German and French.
When providing legal services, the main emphasis is placed primarily on the satisfaction and protection of the client, as well as on the quality of the provided legal services, diligence and also compliance with professional ethics.
The office's clients include both large international corporations and important Czech and foreign companies, as well as natural persons, entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. As a result of client specialization, the office has also developed a narrower focus on some specific sectors and branches of industry and services.
We specialize in the following legal fields:
Trestní právo, compliance

Obchodní společnosti a družstva

Ochrana osobních údajů, GDPR

Rodinné právo


Veřejné zakázky a hospodářská soutěž

Právo nemovitostí

Smluvní agenda

Zastupování před soudy a v arbitrážním řízení

Pracovní právo

Správní právo

Insolvenční právo

Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
We would like to inform you that in the area of disputes between a lawyer and a consumer (in the sense of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended) arising from contracts for the provision of legal services concluded with our law firm, the competent authority is entity for the out-of-court settlement of such disputes with our law firm Czech Bar Association (www.cak.cz).
Law office Benešová Beránek Blaha s.r.o. with registered office at Sokolovská 47/73 186 00 Prague 8, ID: 05766575, VAT number: CZ05766575